Monday, November 28, 2005

Prius Pride

When you get a new Prius (which was the car you really wanted to buy two years ago but ended up with a Rav 4) you get to hear about all sorts of other people who wanted to get a Prius or DID actually get a Prius, including your neighbor's relatives, whom you see only when they drive up from out of state in the megamotor---such a gas-guzzler that you have actually exchanged e-mail with someone in another COUNTRY who has complained about this family's vehicle; and that makes you think Toyota needs to come out with a bumper sticker that says, "MY OTHER CAR IS A PRIUS."

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dinnertime, Monday

So what time do you want us on Saturday night, Amy?---and we need directions to your house. Uh-oh, Amy, we're having a cello crisis here, I think Olivia just broke a string. Amy? Can you hear me? Amy you're breaking up, I can't hear you, are you driving out of reception range? Amy?... I give up, she'll call back. Okay, Olivia, yes, it looks like a broken G-string but it's not the end of the world, we can get it fixed. *RING RING* That must be Amy---Hello? Oh hi, Tom! Are you sure? Thanks so much, and I'll drive next week. Do Casey and Ryan have their portfolios and their post-it-pads? Yes, I'll tell her. Martha?! That was Mr. McGowan, he says he'll be here at 5:15 to drive you to art lesson so be sure & be ready. No, Olivia, I can't call Mr. Beekman now because the violin shop isn't open on Mondays, I'll have to take the cello to him tomorrow, and he'll probably make us leave it overnight---he always does when it needs repairs. But I can call Mr. diCecco and cancel tomorrow afternoon's lesson, that way you can stay after school like you wanted and help Amanda brainstorm for her Head Turkey campaign…Are you sure there's a late bus? Even though intramurals are over?

Saying good-bye at the school bus stop...

…planting a kiss like Glenda the Good Witch upon Dorothy's forehead. "Be good, be safe." But what I really want to say is directed at the rest of the world: Be kind, be gentle. Please drive carefully. Warning: sensitive person. Give praise and smiles. Include. Accept. Encourage. Watch out for cello on staircase. Don't make fun of lentil-leftovers in lunch box. A backpack containing three hardcover textbooks is too heavy for a child weighing under eighty pounds.